Apple TV Remote Not Working? Here’s What To Do

Don't replace your remote just yet - these tips may help

Apple TV Remote Not Working

Last Updated on

There are a variety of types of Apple TV Remote and sometimes this can cause confusion when they stop working, which is a pain in any case. 

For example, you’re right in the middle of your favorite show, you need to pause it, and suddenly you realize that your remote is not working correctly. 

This is really irritating, so you’ll need to know how to resolve the problem. Here are some reasons why your specific remote may not be working and what you can do about it! 

Why Is My Apple TV Remote Not Working?

The Batteries Have Died

If you’ve been using your remote for a while, then chances are that the batteries will die out eventually. You should ensure that your remote is fully charged up before you continue (or run out to buy a new one!). 

Your Remote Has Been Damaged

Sometimes, the remote gets damaged or broken due to regular use. This may happen more often if you have young children or pets who get hold of it. If you find that your remote has been damaged, then you’ll need to replace it. 

It Could Be The Connection Between Your Remote And Your Apple TV

Sometimes, the connection between your remote and your Apple TV could be to blame. If you notice that your remote doesn’t work properly, then try changing its position on the Apple TV. Also, make sure that it isn’t too close to any other devices like speakers.

It Could Just Be A Bug In The Software

There are times when the software itself might be malfunctioning. It’s best to check if your remote will work better if you restart your device. 

It’s Dirty

It’s entirely possible that the remote buttons are covered with something and all you’ll need to do is clean it up. You are best to use 70-percent isopropyl alcohol and a microfibre or lint-free cloth.

Make sure to remove the batteries first, carefully wipe the buttons, and avoid getting the alcohol into any openings in the remote.

Press the buttons down and wipe around them again to clear any grime or dirt, then make sure the remote is properly dry before re-inserting the batteries and trying the remote.


How To Fix An Unresponsive Apple TV Remote

To fix an unresponsive Apple TV Remote, follow these steps:



Turn Off The TV

Turn off your Apple TV.



Press And Hold The Menu Button

Press and hold the Menu button until the Apple logo appears on-screen.



Select Settings

Select Settings from the menu.



Wait For Completion

Wait for the process to complete.



Restart The TV

Restart your Apple TV.

In the meantime, you may decide to use your other Apple devices like iPhone or iPad as a remote. 

What Can I Do If My Apple TV Remote Isn’t Working?

If you want to get back to watching your favorite shows, then you’ll need some help. These tips may be able to help you. 

Use Another Apple TV Remote

If you own another remote, then you can use it instead of the original one. You’ll just need to connect both remotes together via Bluetooth. Also, make sure that they are connected to the same Apple TV.

Change The Position Of Your Apple TV Remote

Another way to get your remote to work again would be to change its position. Try moving it around so that it’s closer to the Apple TV. Also remember to move it away from any other electronic devices like speakers.

Use Other Devices As A Remote

As we briefly mentioned earlier, you can also use your phone or tablet to control your Apple TV. All you need to do is download the Apple TV Remote app from the App Store. Then, pair it with your Apple TV using the instructions provided in the app. Once done, you’re good to go.

Connect Your Apple TV Remote Using A USB Cable

You can also connect your remote to your computer using a USB cable. Make sure that your remote is powered on first. Afterward, plug it into your Mac or PC using the included USB cable.

The Bottom Line

If your Apple TV remote isn’t working, consider following our steps before you order a replacement. If nothing works then it may be time to replace your Apple TV remote.