Why Does My Wi-Fi Keep Disconnecting?

Got a Wi-Fi connection that keeps dropping? We're here to help and get you back online

Why Does My WiFi Keep Disconnecting

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For most of us, Wi-Fi forms an essential element of our daily lives, helping us to get our work done, take care of errands, and keep up with friends and family.

Having your Wi-Fi constantly disconnecting can be a very frustrating experience, and finding the cause is not always simple.

Fortunately for you, we have put together the ultimate guide to your Wi-Fi, including common reasons for disconnection, and the steps that you can take to get things back on track.

Why Does My WiFi Keep Disconnecting?

If you are experiencing frequent disconnections from your home or office network, it could be due to any number of issues. Some of these include:

Too Many Devices Are Connected

One of the biggest causes of Wi-Fi disconnects is too many devices connected to the network.

This includes laptops, tablets, smartphones, gaming consoles, smart TVs, etc. If there are too many devices connected to one router, then they will all compete for access to the wireless signal.

The result is that some of them may drop off the network before others. To avoid this problem, make sure that only those devices which need to connect to the network do so.

Wi-Fi Signal Strength Is Too Low

Another reason why your Wi-Fi keeps dropping out is because of weak signals.

This can happen when you are in a crowded area such as a mall or coffee shop, where other people’s routers may interfere with yours. You can also try moving closer to the router if you think that its distance is causing problems.

Poor Internet Connection Quality

Another common issue is poor internet connection quality. This occurs when your ISP has been having trouble connecting to their servers.

If you notice that your connection speeds are slow, or that you are getting intermittent connections, then you should contact your provider to see what is going wrong. They may be able to fix the problem by improving their service.

The Router Is In A Bad Spot

Your router needs to be placed somewhere that gets good reception; make sure that it is in a place where it can receive a strong signal. Also, make sure that the router is not located near windows or other obstructions that might block the signal.

You’re Getting Radio Interference

Radio interference is another common cause of Wi-Fi disconnects. It happens when two different networks transmit at the same frequency. This means that they both use the same radio waves, and therefore cannot coexist.

If you live in an apartment building or condo complex, you may find that your neighbors are using the same frequencies as you, resulting in interference. In order to prevent this, you can ask your neighbor to change their channel.

The Wireless Card Needs Updating

Wireless cards often fail after a period of time. When this happens, you will lose connectivity until you replace the card. Most manufacturers offer replacement cards free of charge.

However, if you bought your card from a third party vendor, you may need to pay for a new card.

The Router Needs A Break

We put a lot of pressure on our routers, and many of us will have multiple devices operating at the same time.

This can result in your router becoming overwhelmed and losing connection; in this situation, turning the router off for a while can help to reset your connection.

It can also help to ensure that you remove any devices that you are not actively using.


Troubleshooting Your Wi-Fi

If you still experience issues, please follow these steps:



Reset Network Settings

Restart your router and wait for it to reconnect.



Check For New Software Updates

Open up your router’s web interface and check for software updates.



Reboot Your Computer

Turn off your computer completely and unplug it from the wall outlet. Then turn it back on again.



Try Another Network

If all else fails, switch over to a different network or Wi-Fi channel. For example, try switching to a different wireless network (if available).



Reinstall Drivers

If you are experiencing driver issues, reinstall your drivers. To do so, download the latest version of your device’s driver from the manufacturer’s website.



Update Firmware

Make sure that your firmware is updated. This is done through your router’s settings page.



Power Cycle Your Device

If none of the above work, power cycle your device. Simply shut down your computer and then turn it back on again without plugging anything into its USB port.



Contact Support

If you still haven’t found the solution, contact support. You can reach them via email, phone, or chat.



Reset Your Router

If nothing works, reset your router. This can be done by pressing and holding the reset button on the front of the router for 10 seconds. This can essentially “reboot” your Wi-Fi connection.



Unplug And Plug Back In

If you’re having trouble with your router, unplug it and plug it back in.

Final Thoughts

Having your Wi-Fi drop out on you can be a real annoyance – but there are steps that you can take to get you back on track and reconnected in no time – give these solutions a try, and you will be back online and connected to your wireless network with minimal stress!